Ecommerce Web Development & Designing Services Company - DoubleKlick Designs

DoubleKlick Designs

Ecommerce Web Designing

Drive Your Customers To Buy

Great! You decided to launch an ecommerce solution for your business. You have come to the right place. A leading ecommerce development company in India, DoubleKlick Designs helps businesses to build successful ecommerce websites. Our ecommerce team draws from their expertise in marketing, analytics, and technology to offer end-to-end ecommerce solutions that drive your customers to buy.

A store that is disorganized and unappealing doesn’t sell, and that is why we never cut corners on the design of an ecommerce website. You care for your customer, and offer the best products — and we translate that to online language by means of a clean, attractive and comfortable ecommerce solution. Every pixel, every picture and every word is planned to give a good impression to your customer. We ensure that the site is easily navigated and delivers a great shopping experience.

Lure Them To Loyalty?

Many a times, a customer visits the ecommerce website, finds products, puts it in the shopping cart and then disappears. We can help you find at what point the customer drops away and why, so you can get them back with the right incentive. We can help you find which customers come back time and again and who have been late in coming back, so you can offer the right lure to welcome or get them back.

Easy, Fast & Secure

An additional second click for a customer experience can mean lost sales in ecommerce. So DoubleKlick Designs never compromises on the speed or ease of usage for customers on your ecommerce website. We ensure secure payment configuration and offer best prices & tie-ups with verified parties.

Showcase & Advertise

More models, more choice and the best price is what customers are always looking for. We can help you find which products are popular with your customers (so you can stock them) and what they are looking for, by means of a wish list. You can be the best curator through analytics by organizing and selling a collection of products that your customers would love to buy.

Orchestrate & Segment

Typically, an online customer gives you less time to pitch your product to them. DoubleKlick Designs gives customers compelling reasons to buy by showcasing product’s uniqueness, benefits, pictures/videos, featured prices and reviews.
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