Google Business Photos
Let your customers walk around, explore & interact with your business like never before.
Google Business Photos is product of Google Inc.
Google Business Photos is an innovative marketing venture undertaken by Google. It allows existing and prospective customers to experience the interiors, décor and ambiance of your workspace. Seasoned photographers take high quality 360 degree shots of your workspace and then process them to create a panoramic walkthrough. This walkthrough is very interactive and user-friendly. It allows customers to browse through your store/office/showroom/restaurant/ etc with ease.
Clicking the 360 degree shots takes up to a few hours, depending on the area being photographed. It’s a fairly quick process which doesn’t require to prepare your workspace in any way or interfere with your daily on-goings.
Advantages of Google Photos
Enhance your contenton Google with beautiful 360-degree panoramic pictures and quality still photographs.
Engage with customers who can now walk-through and experience your business with the familiar Street View navigation.
Influence customer decision making during the search and discovery process by inviting customers into your business online.
Share the images on your own digital properties via the Maps API or by simplyembedding an HTML code in your website.
Google Search

Google Maps

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