Software Development Company in Gurgaon & 6 Stages of SDLC - DoubleKlick Designs

DoubleKlick Designs

Software Development Company in Gurgaon & 6 Stages of SDLC

Software development is a complex process. It requires proper planning, intricate designing, and impeccable testing. Without good QA testing and maintenance, the process is incomplete. A competent software development company in Gurgaon features a team of professionals who have a pre-determined methodology and lifecycle of developing software. This gives them a systematic approach towards developing the framework of the application.

Here are the 7 stages of software development life cycle (SDLC):

1. Planning stage:

The first stage consists of determining the needs of the client and how a particular solution will meet the needs. The planning is done and the scope of the software is determined as to how it will address the current problems of the business and how it will be useful to the end users. In this stage, the professionals work with the client to consider resources available, time factor, cost, and short and long term benefits.

Once the client gives the nod, the project enters the second stage.

2. Designing stage:

This stage involves software specifications, such as the features and the operations it will encompass to give the end user a useful application. The stage features technical aspects such as screen layouts, process diagrams, documentation, and others.

3. Developing stage:

This stage is the programming stage, which features actual engineering or development of the software. The stage largely consists of coding and developing a new system. This is the stage that tests the skills of a software development company in Gurgaon.

4. Testing stage:

Testing stage includes QA testing and integration. The objective is to find out whether the product designed meets the specific standards and the needs of the client (that were identified in planning stage). This is the stage wherein the developers detect errors or bugs in the system and fix them.

5. Implementing stage:

It is time to run the software application. The product is launched and it begins the work it is designed for.

6. Maintenance stage:

This stage continues for a long time, in fact for the entire life of the software. Maintenance includes fine tuning the app, deploying features to boost its working, and to upgrade its features from time to time. A reputable software development company in Gurgaon forms a long-lasting relation with the clients. Once you lend your software project to them, you need not worry about maintaining and upgrading it. Your software team will take care of it.


Each stage of SDLC is important. You cannot skip any of the stage. At the same time, each stage requires meticulous working by the software developers. Laxity or error in any of the stage can affect the life cycle of the software and, ultimately, the running of the software.

SDLC helps software developers break the complex process into parts so that they can achieve excellence in each part and, at the end, provide you with a bespoke software suited for your business needs. Better to associate with a software development company in Gurgaon who works with a specified methodology.

For more information on such company, please visit today.

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